Your Bible Lesson For The Day
What Happened To The Created World?
Do you know that the world you live in is nothing like what it was when God created it? Do you realize what has been happening in this world throughout the centuries up to the present time? Severe storms and tornadoes and hurricanes and floods and earthquakes? Plagues and illnesses and diseases? Animals getting old and sick and dying? Plants and trees becoming diseased and withering up while weeds run rampant? When this world was created, it was not like this. It was perfect! It was glorious! It was breathtaking! So what happened to the created world to make it like it is now?
After Adam and Eve fell into sin, God explained what the consequences of their sin would be. Genesis 3:17-19 reveal that God told Adam, “Cursed be the ground because of you. By hard labor you will eat of it all the days of your life. Now thorns and thistles it will continually sprout forth to you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face you will eat bread.”
Because of Adam’s sin, God cursed the ground. Instead of remaining the beautiful, fruitful world of breathtaking trees and lush plants that God had created, the world’s vegetation would be marred and ruined by thorns and thistles and weeds, all of which make the work of growing and gathering food a laborious, hard job. Beginning with Adam people have had to toil to till the soil to get it to produce enough food to eat.
Yes, the ground was cursed, and the rest of the created world did not escape being subjected to misery either. In Romans 8:18 the apostle Paul wrote of the sufferings of this present time. And in verse 20 he stated, “. . . the creation was put in subjection to frustration, not of its own will but because of him who subjected it." Then in verse 21 Paul stated that all of creation was enslaved to the decay of death. And in verse 22 he wrote, “. . . the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until the present time.” All of this misery and suffering and death came upon creation as a consequence of Adam’s sin. God subjected the whole created world to the frustrations you see in this world you live in – sickness and pain and suffering and death. Yes, even the animals, including your pets, suffer these maladies.
This world you live in is but a shadow of what it once was in its state of glorious, breathtaking perfection. What happened to the created world to make it like it is now? Man’s sin entered the world, and God cursed the ground and subjected the whole creation to misery and suffering because of it.
After Adam and Eve fell into sin, God explained what the consequences of their sin would be. Genesis 3:17-19 reveal that God told Adam, “Cursed be the ground because of you. By hard labor you will eat of it all the days of your life. Now thorns and thistles it will continually sprout forth to you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face you will eat bread.”
Because of Adam’s sin, God cursed the ground. Instead of remaining the beautiful, fruitful world of breathtaking trees and lush plants that God had created, the world’s vegetation would be marred and ruined by thorns and thistles and weeds, all of which make the work of growing and gathering food a laborious, hard job. Beginning with Adam people have had to toil to till the soil to get it to produce enough food to eat.
Yes, the ground was cursed, and the rest of the created world did not escape being subjected to misery either. In Romans 8:18 the apostle Paul wrote of the sufferings of this present time. And in verse 20 he stated, “. . . the creation was put in subjection to frustration, not of its own will but because of him who subjected it." Then in verse 21 Paul stated that all of creation was enslaved to the decay of death. And in verse 22 he wrote, “. . . the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until the present time.” All of this misery and suffering and death came upon creation as a consequence of Adam’s sin. God subjected the whole created world to the frustrations you see in this world you live in – sickness and pain and suffering and death. Yes, even the animals, including your pets, suffer these maladies.
This world you live in is but a shadow of what it once was in its state of glorious, breathtaking perfection. What happened to the created world to make it like it is now? Man’s sin entered the world, and God cursed the ground and subjected the whole creation to misery and suffering because of it.