Read chapter 7 of Deepening Love--For Marital Happiness and answer the following questions.
Read 1 John 1:8 and James 3:2-12 in your Bible.
Is any one of us, including yourselves, free of the sinful misuse or abuse of anger in our relationships with others?
Read Romans 6:23 in your Bible.
For our sins of anger what do we deserve?
Read 1 Peter 2:21-23 in your Bible.
Who alone has never sinned through the misuse or abuse of anger?
Read 1 Peter 2:24 in your Bible.
Jesus fulfilled the fifth commandment for us, so that we would be righteous in the sight of God. As for our sins of anger what did he do?
Read Romans 6:23 in your Bible.
His death by which he atoned for our sins has brought us what?
He bore our sins in his body according to 1 Peter 2:24, so that we would do what about our sins of anger in the future?
Motivated by Jesus' love we will strive to control our anger and dispense resentment to eliminate those sins of our past. We will make such an effort in our marital relationship to honor Christ Jesus, our Savior.
What is anger? See pages 110 & 111.
What has frustrated you in your relationship?
What have you done, or what can you do, to eliminate this frustration?
Conflicts in your personal schedules will cause frustrations.
What can you both do to avoid schedule conflicts?
Your individual self-interests and selfishness will cause frustrations and anger in your marriage.
With God's help what can you do to minimize and overcome them?
When might your anger with one another be justified? See pages 113-116.
When will your anger with one another be sinful? See pages 113-116.
Recall an instance when you were angry with one another. How did your anger at the time affect:
What will anger, then, do to your ability to communicate?
When anger arises between you, what is the first thing you must remove to make effective communication between you possible?
When you are angry, what should you direct the energy of your anger at? See page 122.
What has the spiritual gift of self-control have to do with your anger?
Who alone can give you this gift?
By what means does he offer and give this spiritual gift?
What steps could you take to grow in this gift?
Suppose you are beginning to feel angry with your partner during a discussion or over an issue confronting you.
What is the first thing to do? See page 122.
Do either of you have a bad temper? If so, how did you get it? See pages 113 & 123.
What have you learned in pages 123 to 125 to control anger and a bad temper?
Read 1 John 1:8 and James 3:2-12 in your Bible.
Is any one of us, including yourselves, free of the sinful misuse or abuse of anger in our relationships with others?
Read Romans 6:23 in your Bible.
For our sins of anger what do we deserve?
Read 1 Peter 2:21-23 in your Bible.
Who alone has never sinned through the misuse or abuse of anger?
Read 1 Peter 2:24 in your Bible.
Jesus fulfilled the fifth commandment for us, so that we would be righteous in the sight of God. As for our sins of anger what did he do?
Read Romans 6:23 in your Bible.
His death by which he atoned for our sins has brought us what?
He bore our sins in his body according to 1 Peter 2:24, so that we would do what about our sins of anger in the future?
Motivated by Jesus' love we will strive to control our anger and dispense resentment to eliminate those sins of our past. We will make such an effort in our marital relationship to honor Christ Jesus, our Savior.
What is anger? See pages 110 & 111.
What has frustrated you in your relationship?
What have you done, or what can you do, to eliminate this frustration?
Conflicts in your personal schedules will cause frustrations.
What can you both do to avoid schedule conflicts?
Your individual self-interests and selfishness will cause frustrations and anger in your marriage.
With God's help what can you do to minimize and overcome them?
When might your anger with one another be justified? See pages 113-116.
When will your anger with one another be sinful? See pages 113-116.
Recall an instance when you were angry with one another. How did your anger at the time affect:
- Your self-control?
- Your ability to think clearly?
- Your choice of words and actions as compared to when you are not angry?
- Your ability to express yourself clearly?
- Your ability to understand one another?
- Your common sense?
- Your ability to make wise choices and decisions?
- Your ability to listen carefully to what your partner was saying?
What will anger, then, do to your ability to communicate?
When anger arises between you, what is the first thing you must remove to make effective communication between you possible?
When you are angry, what should you direct the energy of your anger at? See page 122.
What has the spiritual gift of self-control have to do with your anger?
Who alone can give you this gift?
By what means does he offer and give this spiritual gift?
What steps could you take to grow in this gift?
Suppose you are beginning to feel angry with your partner during a discussion or over an issue confronting you.
What is the first thing to do? See page 122.
Do either of you have a bad temper? If so, how did you get it? See pages 113 & 123.
What have you learned in pages 123 to 125 to control anger and a bad temper?